Impress your investors and stakeholders with flawless online events. Contact us to learn more!
Engage and excite your audience with high-quality produced Capital Markets Days.
The companies are not only investing money, but significant amounts of other valuable resources to their CMD’s, such as planning time and human resources. With Flik CMD event packages you can outsource the event design and event production process to a team of professionals.
The goal of our team is to make the CMD event experience as smooth as possible for all the stakeholders involved with it. A CMD is also a PR event and an opportunity to flash your brand while connecting with the investors.
At it’s best a CMD can look like a professional TV production; interactive and visually appealing wholeness, where you can share information about your company in an effective way to a targeted group of people.
Fully tailored CMD experience – designed to exceed all your expectations.
Find out why so many companies use our services.
Impress your investors and stakeholders with flawless online events. Contact us to learn more!
Founded in 2002, Flik specializes in high-quality event productions and technology. We produce yearly over 2000 online and hybrid productions.
Flik Helsinki Oy is a part of Nasdaq First North Growth Market listed Inderes Oyj, which operates in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway.
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Porkkalankatu 5, 00180 Helsinki
Brantingsgatan 44, 11535 Stockholm | (+358) 20 729 1440